“We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” –Winston Churchill
I have been a lifelong platelets (and plasma) donor. I have dedicated myself to donating platelets for more than two decades. I take great pride in knowing that my contributions give strangers a fighting chance to experience another day and spend precious moments with their loved ones. 50 Acres philanthropy
The sheer joy I experience from giving is unparalleled, and it is this feeling that drives my philanthropic endeavors. Inspired by this ideology, I have committed myself to a mission of giving back to the communities in which I reside and serve, both in the United States and Sri Lanka.
Our main philanthropic goals revolve around empowering children, elevating their quality of life, and enriching their communities. We achieve these goals through our commitment to giving back to the community. When we wholeheartedly engage in acts of giving, it becomes a profound expression of compassion that not only empowers individuals but also contributes to economic development and prosperity.
Think about this for a moment – the act of giving fosters social cohesion by nurturing human connections, providing a strong sense of empowerment. These connections bring about social interaction and a feeling of belonging. They offer emotional support, empathy, and foster a deep sense of understanding among all individuals involved. 50 Acres philanthropy
If you ever wonder what would be the macro outcome or the ultimate outcome giving back to the communities – the answer is, the development of individuals, which brings about progress in local economies, diminishes inequality, promotes and social mobility. A resilient community entice businesses, generate employment opportunities, and stimulate local economies. They cultivate a feeling of ownership and shared responsibility.
Ultimately, the interconnection between individuals enhances our lives by fostering happiness, fulfillment, and a sense of direction. That is the purpose of our philanthropy; To recognize that while we earn a livelihood through what we receive, it is through what we give that we truly create a meaningful and fulfilling life. 50 Acres philanthropy
Above picture was taken on the 25 June, 2024. My recent platelets donation was directed to UAB Hospital in Birmingham, AL, where it serves as a lifesaving resource for patients in critical need. Platelets are invaluable for cancer patients, trauma victims, those undergoing major surgeries, individuals with blood disorders, and premature infants. My contribution has directly impacted the lives of these patients, offering them a chance at recovery and life. 50 Acres philanthropy