Sri Lanka (formerly called Ceylon) has a varied climates and elevations that allows for the production of the tea plant, known to science community as Camellia Sinensis.  Tea production in Sri Lanka can be divided in to three main zones in the country.

  • Low elevation (low country)
  • mid-elevation (mid-country)
  • high elevation (hill country).

Low elevation zone is at an altitude of 2000ft. In this zone tea leaves experience high rainfall and long periods of sun shine. Tea in this bold and full flavored. It is considered as strong black tea. Ruhuna and Sabaragamuwa regions belongs to the low country zone.

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Mid-country or mid-elevation zone is at between an altitude of 2000 to 4000 ft above sea level. It is also the central area of the Sri Lanka. The hills and cooler weather conditions produces the best tea in this zone. Kandy falls in to the mid-country zone.

High-country or high elevation is at an elevation of 6000ft or above. High elevation zone experience humidity and cool temperatures throughout the year. The tea from this zone is most sought after and it is bright in color and great in flavor. Nuwara Eliya, Udupussallawa, Dimbula, and Uva belong in the high-country zone. Similar to the coffee growing or wine growing regions of countries, the three zones in Sri Lanka is divided in to seven regions (also referred to as districts). Each region is known for teas of particular character. The character of each tea is due to the unique combination of climate and soil it grows. 50 Acres Premium Tea

Both Black and Green Tea that are used in 50 Acres Premium Blends come from Uva region!

Similar to the coffee growing or wine growing regions of countries, the three zones in Sri Lanka is divided in to seven regions (also referred to as districts). Each region is known for teas of particular character. The character of each tea is due to the unique combination of climate and soil it grows. 50 Acres Premium Tea

The Three Regions are:

  • Low Elevation (Low Grown): Ruhuna Ratnapura
  • Mid Elevation (Medium Grown): Kandy, Uva*
  • High Elevation (High Grown): Dimbula, Nuwara Eliya, Uda Pussellawa and Uva*

*Uva region falls between Medium and High Grown Regions

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